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Old Beer Cans & Breweriana for Sale • Archives for Research • Free Appraisals
Reference: USBC 144-3, OI 854Business Name: Forest City Brewery, Cleveland, OhioManufacturer/Plant: American Can Co.Date of manufacture: circa 1930sCanning Code: n/a Contents/Type: 12 ozCondition/Comments: USBC 144-3 OI 854. This label is R10 on grade and R7 off grade according to USBCOI. Very presentable example with good color and thoroughly legible details. This is the first Waldorf Beer design that dates to late 1935 and is singular PATENT Pending with no quote marks around CANCO. This may be one of the nicest of the off-grade cans out there as USBCOI counts only a dozen very poor examples known off-grade. This example is clearly a great deal better than very poor. Ohio tax lid on top. All items are original unless otherwise noted. For questions, feedback, or to sell a similar item contact Dan via email.