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Old Beer Cans & Breweriana for Sale • Archives for Research • Free Appraisals
Reference: USBC 112-35Business Name: Pearl Brewing Co., San Antonio, TexasManufacturer/Plant: Pacific Can Co.Date of manufacture: circa 1950sCanning Code: n/a Contents/Type: 12 ozCondition/Comments: With so many similar color variations shown in USBC it is nearly impossible to accurately select which this can matches up with so we have pegged it as 112-35. The color on the front differs from that on the back though we cannot determine whether the front is slightly faded or the back is slightly toned. Whatever the case, that is about the only notable blemish on the can aside from a light scrape on the right edge of the label. The top lid has even been replaced with a perfectly matched Pearl vanity lid (gear marks are visible). Air sealed and the correct height. All items are original unless otherwise noted. For questions, feedback, or to sell a similar item contact Dan via email.