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Old Beer Cans & Breweriana for Sale • Archives for Research • Free Appraisals
Business Name: Geo. Lanzendoerfer and Co, Chemists, Boston, MassachusettsManufacturer/Plant: UnknownDate of manufacture: VariousCondition/Comments: Early (circa 1890) and very rare paper label olive green champagne type bottle with smooth blob/cork top. Check out the claims made in the text: Unexcelled as a strengthening remedy in restoring the energies of those suffering from faulty nutrition and the inability to digest solid food. Increases the appetite and therefore is especially beneficial to nursing mothers, weakly children, convalescents from wasting diseases and in cases of exhaustion from overwork, anxiety and worry in sedentary habits. Thin people, the cold and aged feel the effects of an increased power to storing up fat and evolving animal heat. It is a remedy for sleeplessness, nervous disorders and general debility. Noris malt-extract will dissolve more than its own dry weight of starchy food, as it has all the diastase of the malt in the active stage. The dose is a small wine-glass full, about one half hour before meals. For small children a teaspoonful should be given every two hours. All original. Amazing piece. 10 inches All items are original unless otherwise noted. For questions, feedback, or to sell a similar item contact Dan via email.